
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thanks to those that applied!!

Thank you to all that applied and showed interest in joining our revamped Stamp Anniething crew!!  We are starting off with a smaller DT as we create our brand and get our new line out there....

Our DT has been selected and I can't wait for you to see the amazing creations these girls have in store  for you!  (I have seen some tentative projects already and I am in awe!!)

I don't think any of our DT members are strangers to you!  We all move in the same circles, but Im PLEASED to have the opportunity to know these fine ladies and got them on our team!

So without any further ado. . .
Our 2015 DT members are

and our first DT release will be coming VERY soon!!  I mean... like REALLY REALLY SOON!! EEEKKK


  1. Congratulations Ladies! I can't wait to see your creations.

  2. Congrats ladies. Would love to join your new at amp group. Can't wait for more projects

  3. It supposed be new stamp group. Sorry 😅
