
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2015 Design Team Call !!! Unleashing a new LINE of stamps!!

As you know, Stamp Anniething kind of went on Hiatus last year, due to my design commitments and deadlines for other "work" I do, I simply did not have any spare hours in the day to work on branding this line in 2014.  I hated how neglected my stamp line had become, but now I'm ready to get back into it with one foot in the water!!

We have changed things around with our new line, as you will see once we begin releases, but we are looking for a few awesome colorists to join the team!

Please understand spaces are limited and we need to find the best fit for our "brand".

We are seeking "advanced" colorists that work mostly with skin and hair tones.  (That right there is a hint for you on our new line and where it is going!)  We will NOT be a monthly release site - as I'm still not able to commit to that at this time, but we will be having at least 6-8 releases for the year.

We would love for you to apply so we can see how you will fit in on the SAT Team!
Please contact Annie at  with the following information NO LATER than February  20th!

  • your name
  • a list of the current DT's you are on
  • your blog link/name -- or FB page (or where you actually post your awesome stuff!)
  • submit at least 3 - 5 projects of your BEST work (again, we are looking for colorists that are STRONG in skin and hair techniques with knowledge on highlighting and shading.
We are looking to expand our brand this year, and would like for any DT members that are chosen to have an ACTIVE blog, FB page, Twitter, (social media) to help spread the word.  Selected DT members will be assigned a day for their projects, but with the PUSH on release weeks when the new stamps come out.

Is this something that appeals to you? If so, do not hesitate to send in your application!
Again, spaces are LIMITED - but we look forward to seeing your work!!

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