
Thursday, September 10, 2015

September Release Day #2 - Savannah - Howdy Partner

Hi and welcome to Day #2 of Stamp Anniething's September release!  
Halloween is around the corner, so we decided to do some Costume Kids (which you can really use year round, not specific just to Halloween!)

Today its all about Savannah

Meet Savannah!  She's a rooting tooting sassy cowgirl!

Included is a small "howdy partner" sentiment as well.
She is perfect for everyday occasions , not just Halloween!

Savannah will be available in the store FRIDAY along with the other 2 stamps we show you for you this week!!

Check out the AWESOME creations the Design Team made with the fun Savannah!
Just click on their name to be taken to their blogs for all the details.
 Don't forget to leave some love for them! 

Stamps will be available in the STORE on FRIDAY

Thanks for joining us for our September Release
 and have a great day!